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How to Make Healthier Food Choices

Jeremy St. Hope • Jan 26, 2024
healthier food choices when having diabetes

Healthier eating is one of the most vital ways to improve health and wellness in your life. Not only can healthier eating impact your physical health, but it can also play a huge role in your overall mood and longevity.

Adapting to a healthier diet doesn’t always happen overnight, especially if you have had poor eating habits for most or all of your life. Learning about the basics of a well-rounded diet and healthy eating can help you make gradual changes and improve your overall well-being.

What Is a Proper Healthy Diet?

Many people, even nutritionists and dieticians, have different answers as to what a proper healthy diet looks like. For example, some people swear by a plant-based diet, while others believe that a high-protein diet like Keto is the right answer.

One thing most health experts can agree on is that a well-rounded diet consists of a diverse array of nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. It's not about fad diets or trendy superfoods and supplements, but about a sustainable and enjoyable diet centered around wholesome nutrition.

Portion Control

Besides eating healthy, portion control is also essential to maintaining a healthy weight. A good way to practice portion control is to follow the proper serving size on packages and experiment with smaller plates.

It’s also important to pay attention to your hunger cues. That’s because many people eat to fill an emotional void or out of boredom when they are in fact not actually hungry. Paying attention to your hunger will allow you to gain the nutrients you need and keep you satisfied without overindulging.

Incorporating Mindful Eating Practices

Another way to make healthier food choices is to practice mindful eating techniques. After a long day at school or work, many people scarf down their food without even truly savoring it.

To become more mindful during eating, make sure you chew your food slowly and enjoy the taste of each bite. To prevent distractions, avoid using your cell phone or watching TV while eating, so you can fully appreciate the nourishment your food provides.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is also a key part of maintaining health and wellness. Water helps regulate body temperature, improves joint function and benefits athletic performance. It also helps curb appetite, regulates digestion and helps people better absorb the nutrients they take in throughout the day.

While many people typically follow the 8 by 8 rule, or six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day, optimal water intake depends on individual factors such as age, gender and lifestyle.

It’s also important to always choose water over sugary and caffeinated drinks, as those beverages are filled with calories and offer little to no nutritional value.

Understand Nutritional Levels

Another important part of healthy eating is understanding how to decipher nutrition labels. This includes learning how to navigate serving sizes, calorie counts and macronutrient proportions. You should also look out for hidden sugars and chemicals which often find their way into many common packaged foods that are deemed “healthy”.

Find the Right Macronutrient Balance

To determine the proper macronutrient balance, assign specific percentages to carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your daily caloric intake.

Here's a breakdown focusing on the percentage you should consume of each macronutrient:

  • Calculate Daily Calories: Determine your total daily caloric needs based on individual factors like age, gender, activity level and personal goals.
  • Carbohydrates: 45 to 65 percent of total daily calories should consist of carbohydrates. This can be adjusted based on your personal activity level.
  • Proteins: Consume 10 to 35 percent of total calories from protein. Opt for higher protein amounts if aiming for muscle growth, enhanced recovery or increased satiety.
  • Fats: Aim for 20 to 35 percent of total daily calories from healthy fats like avocados, nuts and olive oil.
  • It’s important to recognize that this is a general breakdown, and one size does not fit all. Factors such as age, gender, activity level and specific health conditions may also influence dietary requirements.

Learn How to Make Healthy Food Choices With St. Hope Pharmacy in Houston

If you're eager to learn more about managing a healthy diet and nutritious meal planning, St. Hope Pharmacy is here to assist you every step of the way. We can help you find things like supplements, so you continue getting the vitamins and minerals you need when adopting some of the more extreme diets, as well as other advice or tools to help you implement a diet safely. Talk with one of our Houston pharmacists by visiting one of our convenient locations in Houston, Sugar Land, Dickinson or Bellaire or contact us online today.

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