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Managing Diabetes During Pregnancy

Jeremy St. Hope • Jan 23, 2024
managing diabetes while pregnant

Pregnancy is a joyful, yet challenging experience. For expectant mothers who have chronic conditions like diabetes, pregnancy becomes even more challenging.


According to the CDC, the percent of pregnant women with diabetes increased from six percent in 2016 to 8.3 percent in 2021.


The rising rate of diabetes among pregnant patients is spurring action within the medical community, with more researchers looking into how diabetes can be managed during pregnancy for the health and well-being of both the baby and the mother.

Pre-Existing Diabetes During Pregnancy

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes before becoming pregnant, it's important to plan for a healthy pregnancy. This involves achieving optimal blood sugar control before conception and maintaining it throughout pregnancy.

It’s also important to monitor your blood sugar consistently and receive regular healthcare check-ups. It may be necessary to receive adjustments to medication or insulin throughout the pregnancy as well.

Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy. It occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin to meet the demands brought on by pregnancy, leading to higher blood sugar levels. Unlike pre-existing diabetes, gestational diabetes is usually diagnosed in the second or third trimester and will often go away after birth.

Managing blood sugar levels is extremely important for safeguarding the fetus if a mother has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

Ways to Manage Diabetes During Pregnancy

While it’s not easy to go through a pregnancy with a serious condition like diabetes, there are some effective management strategies that can make it easier to keep you and your baby healthy:

Partnering with Your Healthcare Team

One of the first steps in managing diabetes during pregnancy is to find a healthcare team that includes obstetricians, endocrinologists, dietitians and a pharmacist you trust. By having open communication with healthcare professionals, you will receive better guidance and support throughout your pregnancy and be able to address challenges as they arise.

Your healthcare team should come up with an individualized care plan that considers your specific needs and health history. Personalized dietary guidelines, insulin management assistance and regular prenatal check-ups to monitor both maternal and fetal health can make pregnancy with diabetes safer and more comfortable.

Frequent Blood Sugar Monitoring

Regular blood sugar monitoring is crucial during pregnancy. This allows for timely adjustments to insulin or medication doses, ensuring that blood sugar levels remain within the target range. The frequency of monitoring, especially around mealtimes and before bedtime, may need to increase as the pregnancy progresses. Having a relationship with a skilled and compassionate pharmacist can be especially valuable for assistance with blood sugar monitoring and ensuring you have adequate insulin and diabetes medication.

Nutrition and Diet During Pregnancy

A well-balanced diet is one of the most important ways to support maternal and fetal health. Here are some of the best ways to maintain optimal nutrition during pregnancy:

  • Consult with a dietitian
  • Balance carbohydrates
  • Consume protein and healthy fats
  • Have a consistent meal schedule

Physical Activity and Pregnancy

One of the most important things you can do to manage diabetes during pregnancy is to stay physically active. This can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce gestational diabetes risk.

To ensure a safe and healthy exercise routine during pregnancy, it's essential to consult with your healthcare team. It’s typically best to opt for low-impact exercises like walking, swimming or prenatal yoga because these activities promote cardiovascular health and do not put excessive strain on joints. You should also regularly monitor your blood sugar response to exercise and see how physical activity affects your metabolism overall.

Emotional Well-Being and Support

Managing diabetes during pregnancy can be emotionally challenging for mothers. Here are strategies to support your mental health during pregnancy:

  • Seek Emotional Support: Reach out to friends, family or support groups. Connecting with others who have navigated similar journeys can provide valuable insights and emotional support.

  • Counseling or Therapy: Consider seeking counseling or therapy to address any emotional challenges that may arise.

  • Education: Educate yourself about diabetes and pregnancy. This will help you understand any possible challenges you may experience and put into context the risks you’re facing. Knowing about your condition can make it feel less intimidating.

Monitor Fetal Health

When going through a pregnancy with diabetes, regular prenatal check-ups are crucial. These check-ups use different assessments to ensure the health of both the mother and the developing baby. For example, ultrasound scans help monitor fetal growth and development, and non-stress tests can measure the baby's heart rate in response to its movements.

Let St. Hope Pharmacy in Houston Help You Manage Your Diabetes and Pregnancy

Managing diabetes during pregnancy requires dedication and a supportive healthcare team. Pharmacists can play an important role in your team, ensuring you have a steady and reliable supply of insulin and blood sugar monitoring equipment, as well as good advice on your testing device options and their proper use.

Fortunately, with careful management, most women with diabetes will go on to deliver healthy babies, despite the challenges that may arise during the pregnancy. If you or someone you love is pregnant with diabetes, our Houston pharmacists at St. Hope Pharmacy are here to help.

Talk with a pharmacist today or contact your nearest St. Hope Pharmacy for more information.

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